Each student of Teton Online School will be considered a student at Teton Middle School and will need to follow the policies explained in the TMS Student Handbook. You will be given a copy of this during the Enrollment process.
However, there is one important difference regarding you as a TOS student — you will be issued a ChromeBook to use for your classroom work, and will need to abide by the following.
Students enrolling in TOS must accept these terms and conditions and understand that any violation of them may result in loss of privileges to access District networks and could result in having their District Chromebook unavailable for schoolwork. Any violation that is illegal could result in disciplinary and/or legal action being taken.
Computer Use Agreement
Access to and use of the Teton School District #401 network and computers is contingent on the user accepting the following terms and conditions:
Google Account Permission
Teton County School District 401 has set up Google accounts for students and teachers. These accounts will be used exclusively for educational purposes and school-related communication. At Teton Middle School, students will have access to Google applications, the Google drive, and a Gmail, web-based email account. This account will be limited to communications between staff and students within Teton County School District 401.
It is MANDATORY that Teton Online School students have a Google account.
I ______________________, hereby give Teton County School District 401 permission to create and monitor a Google account for my child, ___________________.
A parent/guardian must sign here:
Signed____________________________ Date______________________
Computer and Network Use
As a Teton Online School Student, I agree:
To never use the District network or District Chromebook to participate in inappropriate or unethical behavior such as conducting private business, cyber-bullying, or accessing pornography;
To not install unauthorized software on the District Chromebook;
To take reasonable measures to protect the District Chromebook from misuse, abuse, or theft;
To conserve network resources by not streaming or downloading large files unless necessary for specific assignments and lessons;
To keep logins and passwords secure and do not access another user’s account;
To not attempt to disable or bypass network security measures and to notify a teacher or technology personnel of any identified security problems on the network;
Wireless Internet Access
As a Teton Online School Student, I agree:
It is my family’s responsibility to provide access to the Internet so that I may access the District network;
That no technical support will be provided for the Internet connection that will be used by my Chromebook;
To not run peer-to-peer file sharing, hosting services, or an Internet connection sharing services on wireless devices;
- To alert my TOS teacher if I have issues regarding Internet access that could keep me from completing assignments.
The TOS student should sign here:
Signed____________________________ Date______________________